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Upcoming ACA Reporting Deadlines: 2022

Kiwi Partners

As we enter February, it is a great time to start moving Affordable Care Act (ACA) reporting and filing into your radar. As a part of the ACA, employers with 50 or more full-time and full-time equivalent employees within the previous year are required to complete a Form 1094-C and a Form 1095-C for each employee (whose hours of service equaled 130 or more hours in any given month).

Reporting the 1094-C will help employers stay accountable in:

1) offering affordable minimum essential health coverage and

2) enrollment in minimum essential health coverage for eligible employees.

In turn, employees must report whether they or their family members had met the minimum coverage requirements. The 1095-C thus provides essential information employees will need when completing their taxes come April 15th.

Please keep in mind the important dates for employers below:

January 31st, 2022*: Form 1095-Cs are due to the employee

*Note that, in 2022, there is an extension proposed which extends the filing deadline to March 2nd, 2022.

Deadlines to file with the IRS the Forms 1094-C and (a copy of each) 1095-C are below:

February 28th, 2022: If filing by paper

March 31st, 2022: If filing electronically

Please see the link here to access this year’s forms:

If you have any questions about this requirement, please reach out to your HR representative or contact us.


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