As we adapt to the new norm of working from home during this time, spending more time inside is also forcing us to slow down. Sometimes the weekdays and weekends may get blurry, we may feel like not doing anything and or feel stressed out with the current situation. Here are some suggestions which can help us relax while keeping a safe distance:
There are many communities to support. Although we may not be able to provide relief or comfort with our physical presence, we can still contribute. The smaller non-profits in your area may not have formal virtual projects, but you can still volunteer by searching websites such as idealist.org or sewausa.org for volunteer ideas/opportunities.
If there is no volunteer opportunity that excites you, reach out directly to the organization you are interested in to ask about virtual volunteer opportunities. If you have particular expertise, such as writing, graphic designing, or coding, let the non-profit organization know about it. Many organizations welcome the help and will gladly find a project that fits your interests and skills. VIRTUAL BOOK CLUB Get friends involved with the book-a-week challenge and get together on FaceTime to discuss it. If you have read a classic and want to share your views, now is the time. It may also enhance your storytelling skills.
Yoga is a holistic and mindful practice that includes physical movements (asana), breathing (pranayama), meditation (dhyana) and relaxation (savasana). Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says, "When the mind relaxes, the intellect becomes sharp". A calm and collective mind is not docile; instead, it is a source of creativity and dynamism. Check out the website: yogajournal.com
If you're able to spend time in your yard safely, dive into gardening. If you don't have a garden or a backyard, you can have fun with a small herb garden in the kitchen or an indoor plant. Spring is here, and you don't want to miss this opportunity.
ONLINE COURSES AND CERTIFICATION During this time, it will be helpful to enhance your skillset, which is essential for your development. Online courses and certifications are time-flexible; so you can study at your pace and add skillsets relevant to your job. Many different sites, like coursera.com, offer free courses that may help in professional and personal development.
FIX SOMETHING Pick a project that's been on your to-do-list for a while; now, you can get started on it. Make it fun – put on your favorite music and jam while you're working. YouTube has extensive information about DIY projects, select the one you like and start working on it!
We hope this article will help you to try something you wouldn't normally do!